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I think for some of us we pray and don’t fully understand the power behind our prayers. I think that for me it was just something I knew to go to, but I didn’t fully take into account the One I was praying to. Jesus gave us the model of prayer in Matthew 6, most of us already know  it “Our Father who art in Heaven…” This wasn’t Jesus saying we must pray this exact thing everyday, but He was breaking down the level and the way we should pray everyday. I went to a bible study recently and they broke down the Lord’s Prayer. Walk with me as I give each verse and the reason why Jesus wanted us to rely on this –

Matthew 6:9-13:

After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. (This verse acknowledges God and his dwelling place. This verse is us starting our prayer off knowing where our God is seated and knowing His reign and power. Hallowed or holy to Your name is giving reverence)

10 Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. (This verse is acknowledging the kingdom of God and everywhere His hands have the rule and power to touch) 

11 Give us this day our daily bread. (Acknowledging God as the source of all our needs)

12 And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. (Acknowledging the need for God’s forgiveness and the need to forgive others. There’s another scripture in the Bible that says if we don’t forgive others, we ourselves won’t be forgiven. So, release the people and pain to God, its for your well-being)

13 And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen. (This is asking God to preserve us and keep us from temptation. Then lastly, going back to the starting point of acknowledging who He is and that He reigns over all) 

Why did I break this down? So, that you can pray each day knowing the power prayer has, esp for the things we consider our “hard things”. Come into prayer knowing the God you serve and that He has ALL power to change any situation! Find scripture that align with what you’re praying for and speak those things out loud as you pray. Rest in His promises and power!

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Higher than anything & anyone.

“God is higher than anything and anyone, outshining everything you can see in the skies. Who can compare with God, our God, so majestically enthroned,” Psalm 113:4-6 MSG

Just before I started writing this I was sitting in my room, praying and casting down every thought that was trying to rise up against all I know to be true – just lies that the enemy or even myself play over and over in my mind. My favorite thing about the word and is knowing something is true and being able to turn to scripture to lay the foundation for that truth.

Greater than depression, anxiety, lies, failures, shame, guilt, our past, is a God who is higher than anything and anyone. When we hold on to these things and many others, over time we build a relationship with these things – not healthy, but a relationship nonetheless. It sometimes hard to move past our feelings and they begin to control how we move through life. More than likely, you find yourself not wanting to live this way, but having no idea how to come out on the other side. I love that this version of the scripture says “outshining everything you can see in the skies”. When something shines so bright you can try with all of your might to see past it, but you can’t, the brightness takes over everything. This is exactly what our Father does when we allow Him into those situations that we’ve been fighting on our own. The second we invite Him, His authority, power, and glory take over and nothing else stands a chance.

“Who can compare with God, our God”, the answer no one and nothing! My prayer is that you rest in this truth, repeating it over and over to yourself. There is no problem He can not solve and no situation too big. He is God and He is greater, higher, more powerful than anything and anyone. Let Him into those hard places today and let His light force out all darkness.

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Never Leave the One Behind.

This week I want to bring God’s perspective about you to your attention. The last few posts I’ve presented how you should approach the Father, today I want to present how the Father sees you. Sometimes we don’t feel comfortable going to God about certain things, because frankly we don’t think that God would find that important. The scripture I want to highlight today is about God being concerned with you. 

“What do you think? If a man owns a hundred sheep, and one of them wanders away, will he not leave the ninety-nine on the hills and go to look for the one that wandered off? And if he finds it, truly I tell you, he is happier about that one sheep than about the ninety-nine that did not wander off. In the same way your Father in heaven is not willing that any of these little ones should perish.” Matthew 18:12-14 NIV

At no point in your life has God left your side or has let you wander off and didn’t keep his eyes off of you. I compare it to taking children to a park, you may not hover over them as they play, but you’re always mindful of where they are and ready to step in if they run into trouble. That’s how God is with you. Sometimes, we compare our journey with others and think maybe God loves them more, cause they’ve been walking the straight and narrow their whole life. God doesn’t have favorites, He loves us all personally and to a measurement we cant even understand. I want you to really read through this scripture and find relation to your life. This helped me and is helping get through shame about past events. During these times in my life I would disconnect from God, try to hide myself away. But God never and will never give up on us, as much as we try to hide or not acknowledge Him, because we think we’ve done something that makes us not good enough, He is always seeking us out wanting us to come back to him. On top of all of that, He celebrates our return! A great example of that can be found in Luke 15, the story of the prodigal son. 

I also want to touch on the feelings of being abandoned by God, like He has so much going on that “clearly” He has forgotten about me. That your prayers are falling on deaf ears, which is absolutely not true. God knows the exact number of hairs on your head and He knows the number of each one. So when you have some shedding, God can easily say “11-20 fell out” lol 

It’s crazy, but its true! My point is He knows the details about your life, more than you or anyone can know. He is absolutely concerned and in love with you! 

Meditate on the scripture above and ill be praying this week that His radical love hits you in consistent waves this week, so you’ll never doubt His presence or His feelings towards you! You are not forgotten, you are not less than anyone else, He would gladly tear down walls to come find you, and He loves you more than you can imagine!!

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Preparing for 2019 P.III

I believe strongly for 2019 that God is going to force people into situations to find His voice. It won’t be as simple as turning on the same worship song or reading that one scripture. He is not allowing His children to continue to “seek” Him mediocrely. He wants relationship and he’s not allowing shared spaces. He proves himself time and time again and we go to Him with the same prayers not wanting or desiring more. In levels up for our personal lives, because of fear and being uncomfortable, but He perfects us in His love casting out fear. In relationship with Him because we’re lazy and don’t carve out the time to spend with Him or just incorporate Him daily into whatever we have going on. He gave us the blueprint and He wants to reveal more only to those that seek Him wholeheartedly. We can’t be fine with the mundane! What does that mean? We’ll have to give up some stuff, sacrifice some stuff, however you want to word it – we have to put things in its rightful places and throw some things/people out completely.

God is no longer allowing us to worship our idols and be okay with it. What is worshipping our idols – any[thing] / person that is number one in our hearts and minds which is God’s rightful place. I had no intention of writing on this, but I’m being obedient and that must mean someone needs to read this. God is real and alive and He desires a deeper level of relationship with us, like anyone else. What best friends do you know that are so close and they never speak or when they do speak they have the exact same conversation word for word? I don’t know any friendship like that, because it would get stale and eventually the friendship falls apart. Now don’t be confused by what I’m saying, God will never leave you nor forsake you (Praise God!), but there is so much more to Him and you won’t discover that having the same conversations, listening to the same songs, and not actually speaking to Him getting to know the God you call Lord of your life. 

God has a voice. We all hear it differently. Some of us hear it in a whisper, some of us hear it through situations/people, some of us hear Him in our dreams through messages, some of us just feel something and we recognize its Him. Either way He has a voice and that voice will be the key to unlock the future that we’ve been waiting to meet up with. I’ll leave you with a scripture and then I want you to pray. Pray that He reveals Himself to you, pray that He moves on your heart and desire for Him, pray that He removes the distractions from your life that pull you away from Him, pray to hear His voice more clearly, pray for a deeper desire to read and study the Word of God and before you’ve ended thank Him for all the incredible things He has done and continue to do! Thank Him for being God that doesn’t move like man, thank Him that He isn’t swayed by public opinion and remains on your side fighting your battles, thank Him for being your peace and clarity, and thank Him for the deeper level that you will experience in the coming year, because with God as head of your life theres no other option but to win!! 

“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.” Matthew 11:28-30 MSG

Question: How many of you know about Holy Spirit? Would you like a study or insight into Him? Brief intro – Holy Spirit is apart of the trinity (God, Jesus, Holy Spirit) and is powerful and plays a major role in our lives as well. Let me know if you want to know more.

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Preparing for 2019 Part II

A large part of having great success in 2019 in all things is your relationship with Christ. 

A lot of the time that relationship comes second to loads of things. Work, family, friends, etc. If you’re honest this relationship comes second to your troubles. You get into hot water and then call on Jesus. Someone has to call with bad news and then you pray. He’s the life line after things go sour. If you’re like me (and I use me a lot so you can realize how common it is) I didn’t always think Jesus could relate to the “petty things” I’m going through, I should only go to him about sicknesses and when I’ve lost a loved one, the big stuff right? What I’m here to tell you is the relationship with Him being first on the list prepares you and gives you victory for all of life’s troubles. 

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33

In the message I’m going to insert everyday examples that some/all of us go through that Jesus also had to face. Relationships work best when we know we can relate to the person, so let’s dive into that. Throughout life you’ve had to deal with people lying on you, attaching names to your character that weren’t true, so did Jesus. The Pharisees literally called Jesus the prince of demons, insane!

“Students are to be like their teacher, and slaves are to be like their master. And since I, the master of the household, have been called the prince of demons, the members of my household will be called by even worse names!” Matthew 10:25

Betrayal by a loved one! One of the most hurtful experiences, Jesus dealt with that, too…the name Judas ring a bell? I do want to place some encouragement here for those that are healing through being betrayed by a close friend or family member, Judas was a part of the plan to get Jesus to the cross. The Judas in your life or for some we can make that plural, are a part of the plan. The lesson learned, the push into purpose that that separation caused, or the strength you received because you were able to forgive and move forward. 

Forgive them probably left a sour taste in your mouth, but yes we have to forgive them, Jesus pleaded for those that betrayed him while on the cross asking the Father to forgive them. The man who bore our sins and iniquities, who dealt with the biggest betrayal cried out for their forgiveness. That forgiveness benefits you, you release the weight of anger and vengeance and allow God to be God, who will fight your battles and release justice. Also, please remember that same grace is extended to us, because we are ourselves could be on the side of the betrayer – based on someone else’s perspective. As we forgive, God will also forgive us. If that in itself struck a cord, pray that the Father will release the anger in your heart and mind towards those that betrayed you and take the place on the other seat and ask God to bring healing to those who could’ve felt betrayed by you. Growth is challenging and uncomfortable, but the best version of you is counting on it!

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What Does 2019 Look Like?

We’re moving closer and closer to the end of the year. Five or 6 more weeks and the Happy New Year screams ringing in 2018, will soon be for 2019. I believe strongly that 2019 will stretch us and push us into our best self. I also believe, that in 2019 we will challenge ourselves to experience life and have more good times, that we’ve not had in the past. Why? Because up to this point, if your life has been like mine you have heard of how great people’s year have been and even though you’ve had good days you still find yourself in the dark about most things concerning your life. You still find yourself struggling about things from the past, you still find yourself crying about finances, you want to know if or when you’ll find the great love of your life (if you haven’t already). I am hear to tell you that I believe strongly that 2019, will be the year of YOU! Maybe, that sounds incorrect coming from a Christian, but I know we are no good if we are always worrying about others and not allow God to fix us. 

I want to put this out right before December hits and get the ball rolling, because I want to break down what the year of YOU looks like and how you can start that change now!

“Casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you.” 1 Peter 5:7 

I want to start with worry and overthinking which we all do. One of the definitions for “casting” is “to throw (something) forcefully in a specified direction.” The scripture is telling us to throw, forcefully all of our anxieties and worries on Him. This is so important, because a lot of the times we want to decide which of our worries to give to God and He’s saying ALL. Its not dependent on what you think is too big or too small, and the moment it comes grab it like a ball, throw it, and say “Here God!”. The second a thought comes that disturbs your peace, give it to Him, immediately, doesn’t have to be a long conversation, but give it to Him and watch Him exchange that anxiety with His peace, because He cares for you.

“I can do all things through him who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13

“But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me.” 2 Corinthians 12:9

A large part of our anxiety comes from running out of ways that we, on our own can fix a problem. God never created us to handle all of our issues solo. We feel depleted, then we worry, and anxiety takes over and we can’t even think straight. Humans were made with limited strength, we are taking on more burdens than we ought to and then falling apart cause we can’t handle it. God wants us to know we are limited and to rely on Him, a limitless God who call do all things. The Apostle Paul in 2 Corinthians writes that he boast and is glad about knowing he is weak, because at the point that he admitted to himself I can’t do this thing called life on my own, is when he realized this is when I allow God to be great, whose strength will become perfect in this moment. There is a divine transfer that happens in our weakness, but we have to humble ourselves and know that we can’t do it alone and let God have His way. 

Tears don’t make you weak, wanting to step away from life doesn’t make you weak, feeling like you’ve hit the end of the rope with what you can take doesn’t make you weak, because there is a solution and His name is Jesus. This first bullet point on what 2019 can look like for you, starts with no longer letting your worry, anxiety, and fear to cripple you. Take these things to God immediately, for once maybe not try to handle it on your own and go to God first for the solution. God, His love, and help are available to us all, you just have to ask Him. 

“God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” Psalm 46:1

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Always a Reason to be Thankful!

I have to try harder at carving out a time to write these, my current work/life schedule doesn’t always permit me to do so, anywho…As I was reading the Word this morning this scripture stood out to me,

“For forty years I led you through the wilderness, yet your clothes and sandals did not wear out. You ate no bread and drank no wine or other alcoholic drink, but he provided for you so you would know that he is the Lord your God.” Deuteronomy 29:5-6 NLT

This is how it spoke to me 

“For (insert time span you feel you’ve had it rough) I’ve walked with you through the hardships of life, yet I kept clothes on your back and gave you shelter. You didn’t eat lobster and steak or drink champagne, but I was there for you and never left you so you would always know that God is in control and is Lord of all”

We don’t always get what we want, we definitely didn’t get a choice at the family we have, at the journey we would have to walk, or the people that would come in and out of our lives, but regardless of all of that God has and will continue to be right by your side. Going ahead of you, walking beside, and standing behind you. So what, our bank account doesn’t have multiple commas in it (yet!). So what, you’ve had to wear the same clothes or couldn’t afford those new shoes you wanted. So what, you’ve been eating the top ramen and sandwhiches! 

Sometimes, what makes our journey harder is that we look at what we wish we had, not because you’re lacking. The standard is to have clothes on your back and roof over your head, which I realize a lot of people don’t have, but instead we look at the house we wish we lived in, the material things we wish we owned, and the amount of things we can’t afford. As oppose to looking at all of the amazing things God continues to provide for us. Change your heart’s language towards our Lord and I guarantee you that this journey through the wilderness will make you appreciate so much more the day when you arrive at your destination flowing with milk and honey.  

Waking up this morning, Thank you Lord!

Breathing on my own without help from a machine, Thank you Lord!

Didn’t have to sleep on a sidewalk, Thank you Lord!

Something to eat that isn’t from a trash can, Thank you Lord!

Ability to move my legs and hands, Thank you Lord!

Able to see, regardless if I also need glasses. I can identify colors, shapes, and know what the sky looks like, Thank you Lord!

You love me unconditionally, Thank you Lord!

You have plans to prosper me and give me a future and a hope, Thank you Lord!

I am beautifully and wonderfully made, Thank you Lord!

I can go on and on and so can you, we must change the way we look at our situations and definitely the way we speak about them. Time to change your language to thank you and watch your life start shifting. 

Prayer: Father forgive me for being ungrateful with the things that you provide me with. Lord remove any covetous or envious spirit from my life and allow me to be thankful for the many things I do have. I also know that there more responsibilities that come to those that receive much so in this time that I am waiting for my much equip me to be able to handle my responsibilities in the way that would please You. Thank you Father for your lovingkindness towards me. We praise and glorify Your name! We thank you for all these things in Jesus name. Amen.

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What Obstacle?!

“When they heard this, the people in the synagogue were furious. Jumping up, they mobbed him and forced him to the edge of the hill on which the town was built. They intended to push him over the cliff, but he passed right through the crowd and went on his way.” Luke 4:28-30 NLT

I read this scripture this morning and this stood out to me, “but he passed right through the crowd and went on his way.” God wanted me to tell you that not only will you overcome every obstacle in your way, but you are going to carry on with your life with EASE. He is turning things around for you right now. No longer will you have to fight and come out with bruises and scars, no longer will you will feel alone, no longer will you feel like when is it going to be my time for victory. God says that He is making a clear path of victory for you IN THE FACE OF YOUR ENEMIES and you will pass right through. 

Can you imagine how long it took the mob to realize Jesus had already left from between the crowd? Everyone is just angry and pushing each other and Jesus is gone, carrying on with his life. God is bringing victory to your households and your life right now. He is illuminating the path right in front of you that is your way out and while your enemies around you are still angry tripping over each other, you will be living a life of victory. 

The scripture says, “they intended to push him over the cliff…” Your enemies intended to stop you and take your life, your obstacles intended to make you depressed by your current circumstances that you would give up, your boss intended to stress you out so you would hate coming to work, your family/“friends” intended to discourage you so you wouldn’t live out your dreams – BUT God will allow you to pass right through doubt, right through low self esteem, right through chaos, right through low finances, right through hypocrisy and betrayal and have you experience great joy and peace carry on with your life in abundance and with your enemies still scattered in confusion falling to destruction on there own.

Be blessed family and declare over your homes and your lives that the time is now when everything changes in your life and you will experience the abundant life that the Lord created you to live. 

Prayer: Lord, thank you that you are bringing me and those connected to me into a time of abundance! Thank you that you are clearing a path right through my enemies and allowing me to experience victory! Thank you for your mighty hand that rises up against any and everything that wishes to oppress me. I receive your promises over my life of joy and peace. In Jesus’ name. Amen

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Am I Ready?

As I mentioned in the last one, I want to talk about the waiting process a little bit. First thing, I want to drop on you is God is a God that does exactly what he has promised! At no point does God’s word return to Him void.

“Babies not yet conceived will hear the good news —that God does what he says.” Psalm 22:31

The only way I feel to get through the waiting process is by filling up on God’s word. There is a difference between fact and truth. Fact can be you’ve been praying and waiting on God to do a particular thing for you for the last 5 years, but TRUTH is in His Word. And the only thing that can combat the facts is His truth. 

“The Lord is not slow to fulfill His promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance.” 2 Peter 3:9

So the truth in this is, regardless of how long we’ve been waiting, our time table is not God’s time table. God knows exactly when is the BEST time to fulfill those things we’ve been desiring. I make emphasis on best, because a lot of the time we think we’re ready now, when God sees the full picture and knows beyond what we yet know. God can see that if we received our heart’s desires at this very moment, we would mishandle it somehow. It is not His desire to give us something prematurely, only for us to lose it ultimately. It is also not His desire to bless us, if He ultimately knows we may stray away from Him and start depending on the gifts and not His power. 

There is a scripture that says God “is a jealous God”, not envious as we would define it. This means that God loves and cares for His children that he doesn’t want to give us over to the things that can destroy us. He cares for us deeper than we can understand, so He isn’t being slow at fulfilling our prayers, He is waiting for the appointed time when those things coming to pass wont destroy/control us. 

So, the next time you find yourself grumbling about how long you’ve been in this season of your life or how ready you believe you are – remember that God is the all-knowing God and if you haven’t received it yet, then you TRUST that God definitely knows more than you and at the appointed time you will receive.

(Reference Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 “A Time for Everything”)

Prayer: Lord, forgive me for all the times I felt my timing was better than yours. I put my faith in knowing that you are God that hears my cries and I know that at the right time you will bring it to pass. Thank you for being my Father and friend that I can voice my frustrations with, but I pray for peace and strength to get through my waiting season. In Jesus name. Amen.

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Today’s message is more of a declaration. The last couple of weeks for me, God has been showing himself as, God of the impossible. He has been pushing me to pray for things that are far too big for me to handle on my own. So my desire for anyone reading this, is for you to know that the things that you speak in the atmosphere, that you release to God – KNOW THIS :

“And whatever things you ask in prayer, believing, and you will receive.” – Matthew 21:22

Pray. Believe. Receive. Pretty simple, right? The hard part is believing during the wait, when days, months, years are passing by and the receiving part seems far away. I’ll touch on that next week. Right now, I want you to take the time out to pray – pray hard, pray BIG! 

Things so big, that you get nervous at the idea, that this thing can actually happen! Pray knowing that your words and heart’s desires are going to a God that CAN bring these things to life. Even better pray knowing, that you are praying to a God who has seen your life in its entirety and has already seen every dream and desires come to fruition. So technically, I’m just saying pray to catch up to all the amazing things God has assigned to your name!

Prayer: Father, thank You that we are able to bring our requests directly to you. Thank You that this is more than just material things, but the matters of our heart, healing, and deliverance. Thank You for Heaven being opened over our life and I release right now supernatural transfers of the impossible to happen in my life, in Jesus’ name! Amen.
